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Child Care Subsidy Policy Suite

The Child Care Subsidy Policy Suite includes everything you need to apply for CCS when opening a new service.

Are you opening a new service and not sure where to start with your Child Care Subsidy application? Then look no further. We know how stressful it can be opening a new early childhood service, which is why we’ve created our Child Care Subsidy Policy Suite.

The Child Care Subsidy Policy Suite includes everything you need to apply for CCS when opening a new service including:

  • Policy- Preventing and detecting fraud

  • Procedure - Enrolment and fees

  • Procedure - CCS Governance

  • Procedure - Confidentiality, privacy and security

  • Child Care Subsidy Policies - what are they and what do I do with them?

For only $147 incl gst give yourself peace of mind with our comprehensive Child Care Subsidy Policy Suite.

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Why you need the CCS Policy Suite:

  • CCS approved child care providers have access to, and are responsible for, considerable amounts of tax payers’ money.  In becoming CCS approved, they are charged with the administration of this money (to families) on behalf of the Australian Government.
  • In a CCS application, the provider must be able to demonstrate that their organisation has sufficient administrative processes (i.e. governance) to be responsible for the CCS and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) payments.
  • To become CCS approved, you must be considered to be ‘fit and proper’ to administer CCS payments to families.  To be considered fit and proper, providers must be able to provide that their organisation has sufficient governance to protect the integrity of the public funds they will administer and to ensure ongoing compliance with the Family Assistance Law.
  • To meet this requirement, the provider must include evidence in the CCS application that outlines their governance arrangements. The evidence must demonstrate to the department the policies, and processes the provider will employ to ensure that the CCS payment is administered appropriately and with integrity at the provider’s service/s. 

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