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Policy and Procedure Framework

Save your centre time with a full suite of templated policy and procedure documents. Gain instant access to Policy and Procedures for all seven Quality Areas. 

Our policy framework is a complete policy framework for early childhood services. Regulation 168 of The National Regulations detail the policies your service must have, and our framework includes all of those policies, PLUS many of the ones determined by ACECQA to be best practice. Our documents have been put together by early childhood experts that have been working in the industry for many years – they are evidence based and will help you embed high quality approaches across your service. 

The documents are clear and concise, but not overly prescriptive – this is important as they allow you to adapt the documents to suit your unique needs and context. Our policy framework is designed to provide you with flexibility and the ability to customise the documents to meet your needs.  You can edit the documents, and tailor them to your unique context. 

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Does this sound like you? 

  • Too busy to develop a Policy and Procedure framework for your centre?

  • When was the last time your team reviewed your policy and procedures?

  • Does writing centre policy documents send chills down your spine?

  • Are you sure your policy and procedures meet the National Regulations?

  • Need effective Policy and Procedures that your team will actually read and use?

We have just what you need!

Join today for $595 inc gst + $295 annually and gain instant access to the full Policy Framework. All documents are templated and easy to use. Once downloaded, use the guide to update and implement in your centre.

The comprehensive Policy Framework includes all documents for only $595 inc gst. Each year following you’ll have access to relevant updated policy documents for the subsidised, members-only rate of $295 inc gst*. All documents are reviewed regularly as part of our Policy Review Schedule and updates are provided to all members.  The Policy and Procedure Framework includes tools, forms and guides to support you with updating the documents to be relevant for your centre’s practice and community.

Membership includes a Review schedule and guide to use with your team to update and review your documents each quarter.

What is Included?

About The Policy and Procedure  Framework:

Our policy framework is a complete policy framework for early childhood services. Regulation 168 of The National Regulations detail the policies your service must have, and our framework includes all of those policies, PLUS many of the ones determined by ACECQA to be best practice. Our documents have been put together by early childhood experts that have been working in the industry for many years – they are evidence based and will help you embed high quality approaches across your service. 

The documents are clear and concise, but not overly prescriptive – this is important as they allow you to adapt the documents to suit your unique needs and context. Our policy framework is designed to provide you with flexibility and the ability to customise the documents to meet your needs.  You can edit the documents, and tailor them to your unique context. 

We have created a framework that is easy to review and update.  And while the documents do comply with the regulations, but they have been developed so they don’t tie you up in knots – they are not so detailed and prescriptive that educators end up focused on whether the beds have been placed 30 centimetres apart like the procedure says, but they are more focused on ensuring that the individual sleep and rest needs of children are met, whilst meeting all regulatory requirements. 

  • Flexibility
  • Customisation
  • Ease of review
  • Comply but not tie you in knots

Our policy framework is made up of three categories for each Quality Area:

  • A Policy document – this is the document that details “WHY” we do what we do and supports high quality, evidence-informed practices. The statements are backed by strong research, and have also been designed so they can be used for professional conversations and critical reflection within and amongst team members.  Policies align with each of the quality areas under the National Quality Standards. 
  • A procedure – this document details how we do what we do.  There are multiple procedures under each policy. 
  • Tools – this section includes things like templates and forms; they enable and support the implementation of certain procedures.  Not all procedures have a tool associated with it. 
Join today!

*$295 inc gst will be charged annually on the anniversary of the purchase of this product. You can cancel your subscription at anytime via your account settings, you can contact us at [email protected] for more information.